Sunday, 18 December 2011

The beautiful Nha Trang Vietnam and ending beauty of "ET"

Lam Uyen Nhi happy that children in daycare.A girl once crowned beauty queen beauty contest in Nha Trang Vietnam, which became more popular model in the catwalk, many dance halls in Saigon Vietnam ... She married a wealthy French life but then suddenly "free fall" to hell ... Ideas such as the end all she had to meet such wonderful fairytale ...
The beautiful Nhatrang and "trap" of cocaine

Yuen Children born into a family with eight sisters, met at the scene declined to even eager to learn new grade five but she had brushed tears from different roofing.
Uyen Nhi Pho hired to sell, sell bread, but that memory class, memory is the calming wisdom. Accumulate less money, Children return to school and grow up even in difficult times, she is pretty amazing, stand out among your peers.
In grade 9, Children's winning beauty of the school. Some time later, Nhi to beauty contests and the coastal city of Nha Trang received a crown of course. It was in 1989, the time, that beauty crown Children famous coastal city, she lives day to sell bread has turned a new page.
Then, Nha Trang does not hold true beauty when Nhi decided to establish business in Ho Chi Minh. Children become the brightest professional models on the catwalk more.
Perfect body, beautiful dancing the dance hall should be "in line" inviting the beautiful Nhatrang to the dance form to attract tourists. At a dance hall, Nhi met Pactric - the man that French citizenship shortly after her husband takes. Children Pactric over nearly twenty years old, speak Vietnamese as ... HCMC, and her sincere delusion, as if cradling powder age 20.
Married shortly, Singapore Children's classes to advanced modeling. On the island, Nhi still smoking habits from her childhood home jobs for Cigarette. Children draw themselves innocent, not knowing that the cigarettes were a bad team with his fellow students to give up cocaine.
3 months later, return to Ho Chi Minh City, Children's attack suddenly struggling. Children's husband to the wife to try new found containing cocaine in her body. Pactric wife decided to take up rehabilitation of Da Lat, he hired a house, invited physicians to monitor treatment.
Two years living in Dalat, Nha Trang has beautiful people would stop cocaine. Pactric happy, to take his wife out of the Children's parents but also afraid of not speaking French, so she ask her husband to travel through Vietnam.
The couple came out of Hanoi, stay at the hotel on Hang Bac. Children stay in the hotel also Pactric France flew a few days. In the last few days, suddenly his wife did not receive her husband's phone as usual. Of France, or call message Pactric came to Vietnam.
A few days later, lawyers for Children's Newspaper Pactric call that her husband was arrested for smuggling antiques and not set a date for. Listen to as horizontal lightning disasters, Lam Uyen Nhi completely collapsed. Children familiar with the feeling that her husband has Pactric just as a father, just as he his, he was arrested today, the beautiful Nha Trang feel lost refuge place.
Children also from addiction, family finances were transferred to Pactric management now in the hands of her so there was little pocket money alone helpless between Hanoi did not know where to go on.
"Free fall" to hell
At that moment, Nhi met a few friends to Hanoi to Saigon Vietnam playing in dance halls. Children then stick to "white death" called heroin ...
Children sat in front of me, the tears on his face pale but still flickering beauty of the day crowned beauty queen when the old coastal town.
Drug addiction, "prelude" of Children's jewelry is sold out to "play white goods". The more severe addiction, every day when Nhi max out a million of money "white goods".
Spend that type of business, the billionaire also sat alone as Primary. There was no other way to Children's for a dance hall girl in the big dance. Switched from smoking shot, the Children's tank, severely underweight. Drugs destroy formidable beauty, a beautiful Nha Trang time not stay at this discotheque again.
The department also administers, Children's teeth biting street girls. Not "practice" is how often during an arrest prostitutes arrested Yuen Yee put education center social workers II (TTGDLDXH) in Ba Vi - Ha Tay. Here hung Children receive a message. "I have" sticky "HIV. At the time, so for me life is all. Living just more humiliation, damnation. It was through her Level II Director TTGDLDXH of interest motivated so I do not seek death. "
After some time, Nhi out TTGDLDXH II, did not dare return home because of guilt should back down to Hanoi to make a living trading in the second ambiguity. Once more the people you play in Vinh Phuc province, Nhi met a guy and he seems to love the beautiful Nha Trang first sight.
Heart Children's lack of love for so long to beat this arrhythmia. Children love but do not dare tell the truth about his past, love of restraint has always been burdened by the thought I had HIV.
But then in a fit of drunken lover he was almost forced Pediatrics. And then, the beautiful Nha Trang Vietnam pregnancy. Children do not expect a drug addict, like I have to carry HIV. That happy, but sad after that. Is the baby being infected with HIV from mother? Who will feed it as well not worry Children themselves well for themselves?
Meet some old friends back there in the dance hall, were dragging their enticement, Children's relapse. In the pregnant belly just grew. Upcoming birthdays, family Children still place shifting, and supplies to the Parter park.
Fight forever, the new Children's call to tell his pregnant lover says. Soon, Children's received his first million together with a message: you are about to study in Singapore, I do not bother anymore.
Children's birth date in your pocket without even one thousand, the face distorted labor taxi trade status on hospital transport C. Children birth to a baby boy very gates contempt son has fun at each node.
Birth through it, as the ship leaves wilt but try to hold the feet shuffled into the street. No one care. No one in the bag. The baby cries demanding milk, Children do not dare to feed her milk because that is heroin, to be breast-feeding organisms. Please be a piece of screening, Children take me over to sit Parter park. Children's Room is named because the thought of rain his life but later changed to South.
Short tight hungry cries milk, animals and requires parents to drugs. Children's teeth to bite on blood. Despair. Children of the Red River to pick you out of suicide. Looking at the water flowing scrolls, with his taxi and spoke kindly to dissuade: "Death do damage the body, such circumstances they should be taken to the hospital for one child for adoption."
British taxi transport to Children's Hospital C. It was 7 am, Children's place to pick you up and put down, so on 8, 9 times ... until 10 am in the heart still torn, do not take steps go well.
UK taxi insurance impatiently: "Well, both mother and child died. Well, to hurry up. " Children run out of hospital, did not dare turn around to look human.
Soon after, the loan is 50 thousand, buying heroin "play" through it, awake, wonder why Children rushed to the hospital again, pulling the child. Children hear yourself saying: "I can not throw you into life like that."
Wandering the gardens and supplies to other gardens. Hunger and cold, and death is always lurking. During deprivation, Children remembered at TTGDLDXH No. II, is a young HIV-infected foster children. Children at the gate to reach the TTGDLD XH II, plus the piece of paper tears, "Please save my gambling or child" (Signature Lam Uyen Nhi).
The play's life and ending with post-
... Sitting with me in kindergarten for children with HIV in TTGDLD No. II - Ba Vi, see little kids playing, Children's face suddenly radiant happiness.
I asked: "After I left there, she go? How did you here now? ". Children do not answer, give me a piece of paper filled words, and said: "This is a play written for children coming to Hanoi to attend cultural performances. This drama tells the road from me when I left Nam in U.S. ports until now, 100% true, not fabricated a details ".
I read the play written by the Children's and found himself to write out here. The play is called sail Hope
Scene 1: ... The mother held the child in pain put TTGDLDXH port II of the paper write "Please gambling or save the baby" (Signed: Lam Uyen Nhi).
Director (Director): Seeing a child's crying at the gates, came out to see, hold baby up and see the paper ...
Scene II: A year later in TTGDLD No. II. Children return again TT looked stealthily at the door looking like waiting for something ... Suddenly a voice called:
Director: Children! Children Are not?
The mother is ashamed of her left hand holding the Director runs: "Children do not want to see their children. Baby is very healthy and adorable. "
The mother knelt down in front of GM, weeping and saying: "She Oh! Please help me. " Director of Children's supporting her up: "Standing up to her, said nothing and slowly."
Children: Ms. Oh! I want to stay here and be cared for orphaned children with HIV and children again. It is the wish of her desire to redeem the mistakes that I have caused.
Director: she has so long by so many people find Nhi Nhi but do not know where, now has come back Nhi, Nhi first right on to medical detoxification for health has stabilized. " Director patting shoulders: "Try to Children's Light".
Scene III: The premises of the mothers with young children are having fun learning to sing, Children came in, the first image was hit with a son he has a less funny on her lips. While the parents are confused United step closer.
Mother Flower: Yes I do not recognize the Children?
Children boldly say: Are there no children of her U.S.?
Flowers nodding and smiling children holding hands Nam to the mother. The child looked bewildered mother as a stranger. Nhi has called me in joy, embarrassment shame ...
Scene IV: Child and mother care for her HIV Huyen are the final stage.
Doctor: On the good news: "In the last round of tests have been five children from negative to positive change." Children look to doctors to tell happy faces "a Child? Including her years there "...
Called the Children's theater but was told his real lifetime. A lifetime eo le as dramatic. Try new plays closed, visitors were all crying.
Nguyen Thi Phuong - Director TTGDLDXH No. II (character in the play's director of Children), said: "Life Children suffer a lot, but since she's happy here, very good work, love the I like my child. "
Children who have HIV here carry the faces of angels. The beauty that seems to offset misfortune so big that innocent babies suffer.
Children and parents love to put all her hope that the HIV will disappear from the body the other immature. Some children have moved from positive to negative, as the son of Male Children, but also many children have died.
Children holding a girl in your heart, saying: "Now you are ready change your whole life to get a negative result for baby here. My life has finally anchored at this place. I no longer have HIV Nam, that is where the fairy tale life was for me. Looking ahead I will move from day care. I hope my father knows, I welcome the adoption. I expect a visit Nha Trang to the apology to the family. "
From here, Children's health gradually recovered, the beautiful Nha Trang Vietnam on how to become beauty now "ET" of this child, she lived as if in front of the sky. Is that reasonable that plays back the name "sail Hope"?
Children who hear my girl take a few words ru sleeping baby: "Oh Well, for oil and nailed to boards; bamboo bridge crooked bumpy difficult to express; difficult to drive children to parents; I go school, mother born in ".

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